Die Hard Servers uses multiple quality server locations which are located in the Netherlands (Amsterdam) & Germany (Frankfurt). We are a company that is specialised in hosting voice- & gameservers and websites.
Products & pricing
Die Hard Servers only uses A-brand hardware and Quad core servers to enforce excellent, stable and low ping voice- & gameservers. In addition to that we only use the best datacentres for an excellent network which results in low lagfree pings and one of the best connections to foreign countries and players. That's why our voice- & gameservers are suited for all European players, clans and customers. Good quality is one of our features and our live support for the servers is good and fast.
Gameservers control panel
We have several options to comply with the needs of our customers. Our customers make use of an easy and advanced control panel. It is easy to use our multifunctional control panel for your gameserver needs. The control panel has multiple functions like a start/stop/restart function. FTP access is built in and all files can be adjusted or configurated.
Products & pricing
You can already have your own gameserver for only € 0,55 a slot! Our TeamSpeak servers are available for only € 0,33 a slot! And if you need more then only a game- or teamspeak server then you can find a perfect solution at the clan packages page. Our cheapest clan package is available for only € 19,99.